Become An Ambassador!

Let's stay ahead of the game!
We need volunteer leaders in Black and Brown communities of Wisconsin to be trained in the churches, neighborhood associations, and community organizations. Become an Ambassador with Souls to the Polls and receive expert training from Souls to the Polls' Outreach & Education Manager, Anita Johnson. STTP Ambassadors will:
Be trained on voter registration
Have an expert knowledge of Photo ID
Receive updates on any changes in voting laws and how they will affect voters at the polls
Be provided voter education materials including flyers and yard signs for distribution
Help coordinate canvassing and GOTV efforts at election time
Become a go-to expert on voting in your community!
Ambassadors will stay in touch with Souls to the Polls throughout the year for updates on trainings, social opportunities, and important events. Let us not wait until the year of the election to begin encouraging people to vote. The time is now! Please contact Anita Johnson at if you have any questions about joining the program. To sign up, please email Anita or fill out the interest form.

We are building a bloc, a community with power.